The Dream We Long For

Only a small percent of the time since the beginning of recorded history has the world been entirely at peace.  In over 3100 years, only 286 of those have been without war.  There have been 8000 plus treaties that have been broken over this time.  Yet, we want peace in the worst way. In any survey that asks people what they want the most, the number one answer is usually peace.  We dream about it.  We sing about it at Christmas.  But do we think its possible?  Are we doing anything to see that dream come true?  Maybe we have given up on peace.  To cry out for peace in the world today puts us in the minority and to try to be a peacemaker is not always popular.  But listen folks, the alternative to peace is insanity.  At the very least, we need to dream about peace.  (From the sermon, "The Dream We Long For," December 12, 2021). 

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